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Better understanding

through informative and entertaining information modules

ShadeFacts - learn about the causes of skin cancer, UV radiation, and how to protect against it

ShadeDesign - learn how to create effective shade, suitable for different climates and settings

NorthFinder - learn the difference between magnetic north, grid north and True North and how to find True North for your site.

Planning with local geographical data

using powerful, easy to use shade planning tools

Draw and model current and proposed shade, explore options, ensure you have the most effective solar protection, print all results

Conduct a WebShade Audit for your site by identifying at-risk outdoor activities and reduce risks by appropriate solutions

Report the results of your WebShade Audit with authoritative graphic images and risk profiles

Understand the climate factors affecting design decisions for your geographical location

A clear process

with illustrated information kits to guide your work

Getting Started - all you need to know to get started drawing or tracing your site from a sketch or aerial photograph

Checklist - a quick reference for each step in the audit process is at your finger tips on the screen

Fieldwork Kit - a full guide to gathering the site information with useful hints on measuring, estimating, observing and interviewing

Explore Kit - a guide to assessing your ideas, combining ideas for optimum solutions and checking all the effects on shade and risk ratings

See sample pages (PDF)